BRC will shortly be organising some club training days:
29 October – North, Northallerton Hotel TBC
4 November – East, College of West Anglia, Cambridge Campus.
5 November – Midlands, BHS HQ.
11 November – South, Brinsbury College.
12 November – West, Hartpury College.
Apologies if any of these dates fall on qualifier weekends, it is really hard to fit these dates in and we just had to go with it! Really these days are aimed at club committees rather than members so hopefully some club representatives will be able to attend.
The days will consist of training in the morning on insurance, safeguarding and BRC opportunities. In the afternoon we have secured speakers from Sport England who will take us through finance and tax implications for clubs, and club structures. The two Sport England sessions will take place at the same time so ideally clubs will send two representatives who will each attend a different session in the afternoon. Attendees will be required to pay a £10 deposit which will be refunded to them if they attend the day.
It doesn’t matter which day clubs attend, if they need to attend a session out of area that is fine. It would be great to see as many area reps at the various dates as possible, please do let us know so that we can cater for you.
Kind regards
Rachael Hollely-Thompson