With just over a month to go until our 2016 Ride Out UK Week (formerly known as Access Week), 28 May – 5 June we thought we’d get in touch to see what our British Riding Clubs doing to take part.
Having safe off-road access is incredibly important to exercise our horses and take groups of riders on a hack. Especially when the volume and speed of traffic on our roads has never been so high. Ride Out UK Week is an annual event for the Society which celebrates safe off-road access and the outstanding efforts of our volunteers and other organisations. It’s also a week where riders fundraise for the BHS Paths for Communities fund so the Society can continue their crucial work and circulate money back into your community. We’ve had fantastic support from our British Riding Clubs in the past, and as they’re such a vital part of The British Horse Society, we’re sure we can receive the same support this year.
How Can My British Riding Club Get Involved?
Last year there were all kinds of events: from a challenge ride across The Great Dragon Ride, to pleasure rides, fashion shows, informative talks and BBQ’s. We’ve attached a couple of things to give you some pointers and ideas for your event, including a roundup of last year’s events a guide to running events and application form template. It may be that your Club have already organised a ride in that week – why not brand it as your Ride Out UK Week event? You’ll receive more exposure as we’ll publicise your event, leading to more attendees, more money raised and more riders signed up to your club! You can upload how many miles you’ve explored on horseback on our Hoof O’meter which you can find on our website and upload your pictures onto social media using #RideOutUK.
The most important thing is that you let the Access Department at HQ know when you’ve organised your event. We can then publicise it on the BHS website and social media, highlighting how many fun and interesting activities are being held in people’s local area, leading to a bigger turnout and more money raised for a fantastic cause. Email the details of your event to eleanor.hashim@bhs.org.uk stating the date, venue, contact details and any other details about your events that you want to share.
We’re giving away prizes for the most amount of money raised by an individual and a group – that could be your Club but you need to be in it to win it! Send in your events to Eleanor.hashim@bhs.org.uk and we’ll publicise your event on social media. and our website. We’re also having a photo competition – we want to see photos that depict you ‘Exploring the Scenic Route’ during Ride Out UK Week for a chance to win a prize. Send your snaps to Eleanor.hashim@bhs.org.uk with your photo – please make sure you’re wearing high-viz and necessary safety equipment to be in with a chance of winning!
We’re incredibly pleased to announce that we’ve partnered with Bridleway Equestrian, a quality brand stocked in exclusive stores around the UK. Keep an eye out for the free maps distributed in the 68 shops showing equestrian routes close to the store which can be ridden during the Week, and any other time for that matter! It’s great to have Ride Out UK Week reach a bigger audience, leading to more interest and money raised to pump back into your local routes. You can also see the digital versions on their website.
With the recent success of the BHS ‘Dead? Or Dead Slow?’ safety campaign, it’s obvious there’s a need for more safe off-road routes, so plan an event to get behind the Ride Out UK Week event, 28 May – 5 June, and saddle up and explore the scenic route.
We look forward to finding out about the events in your area!