Emergency Incidents

Dear All

BRC have released this information regarding emergency incidents and terror attacks. Although most of us will never think it could happen to us I do believe they are correct sharing and providing some basic information. Many of our members across the South West could quite possibly be attending festivals and large events. In the email below are some useful links. Please could you share around your membership or to people who who feel would find it useful in their organisation of events.


Dear BRC Club / Centre / Official,

This is a very difficult email to have to write.

We are sending you this correspondence in light of the recent horrific incident in Manchester. Whilst we understand that this is an awful subject to have to cover, we wanted to provide some support regarding any concerns of how these types of incidents could affect riding club activities.

We do understand that some of you may have been personally affected by the recent, or similar incidents, so if you find this subject too upsetting to address, please do disregard this email.

It is important that we all have some basic knowledge on what to do should an incident occur whilst at a BRC / BHS event, or even at work or in any other aspect of our lives.

The Police have released an excellent video that gives some basic advise to follow in the event of an attack. The advice is called RUN/HIDE/TELL. If you feel able, then please do take a moment to watch this video here www.npcc.police.uk/staysafe The guidance is also summarised in the attached leaflet.

We will be adding incidents such as these into our BRC Risk Assessments for all National Championships and activities, including events organised by BRC HQ, and those where members may be in attendance.  We have attached some guidance which you may find useful to add into any risk assessments you are carrying out for up and coming events. This Risk Assessment guidance is split into two categories; events run by BRC and BRC organised visits to other events. Please feel free to use or adapt this information to supplement any documentation for your Club / Centre.

Finally, we have found some excellent advice here regarding talking to juniors about the Manchester incident – something that Clubs and Centres with a large number of active Juniors may find helpful: https://www.winstonswish.org.uk/responding-children-young-people-affected-media-coverage-incident-manchester/

Please share this email with anyone that you feel it would be beneficial for. I’m sorry that this is such an awful subject to have to cover.  Please let me know if you have any concerns or worries.

Best wishes


Terror Attack BRC Risk Assessment Guidance

NPCC Leaflet