It is really important that when you submit your membership lists to us, you either send us a full members list with the new members CLEARLY HIGHLIGHTED, or send us a list of the NEW MEMBERS ONLY for that month. When Membership Secretaries send us full list of members, without highlighting which are the new ones, then the entire list gets sent to the mailing house and so members are receiving multiple membership cards – one every time their name is submitted.
We have also found some Clubs who are putting a member on their master list more than once, and giving them more than one membership number. Again this means that multiple cards get sent out to that person, and of course there is a cost implication to this.
We have attached our datasheet on how to submit your lists for your information. If you have any queries at all, then please do get back to us.
BRC Data Sheet DS4 Submitting Membership lists and Club Contacts